adresa Sinaia, str. Republicii, nr. 9, Valea Prahovei
telefon +40 724 707 878
+40 727 884 296
Rate: 150 Lei
/ double room for one night only
20 places, 10 rooms
QR code
Bine ati venit!


Villa "Georgia" has a privileged position, being located downtown, on the main boulevard of the resort Sinaia, near Hotel International and Hotel Paltinis, with entrance from the main road.

Villas slogan "Accommodation for every budget" because it addresses all sections of society: families seeking relaxation in both summer and winter; newlyweds who choose the resort for spending "honeymoon", mountain addicts which choose the resort to for favorite sports (skiing, climbing, hiking) benefeciază people Păltiniş spa treatment at the hotel, the hotel is located only 50 m from the Spa and treatment facility from Paltinis Hotel.

Villa "Georgia" offers its guests studios and apartments with generous beds, private bathrooms, TV in every room, cable TV, internet access.
Those who choose Villa "Georgia" are offered:

- Free Parking
- Arbour with barbeque
- Separate kitchen for tourists
- Central heating
- Wireless Internet
The apartments are equipped with kitchen, bathroom and living room

Guestbook Vila GEORGIA

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